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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Here comes the next wave!

This photo was taken before a Sacred Pipe ceremony in Cottonwood, AZ. Notice the face of the Grandmother and the multiple sundogs radiating out from the main one.

As you may remember, we are now more than half way through a series of world wide events predicted a few years ago at the Stoneman lake 7 directions ceremony. The oil spill is one of three major events here in the US that are intended to get our attention that we need to change how we live in this world.

It appears as if we are due for the third event and it does not look like a good one for our people or economy. Hopefully we can learn and adjust before the pending "message" needs to be experienced.

Here is what I have been given, it is my small piece to the puzzle.

There is a very real threat of violence or war in the air. Fortunately, we are not at the mercy of the world leaders in this, we have a higher authority to work with. Yes, we are being invited to co-create peace and harmony, the promised era we are entering into now.

As I asked the Great Mystery what we could do to prevent war or terror, I was shown a Grandmother. At first I though she represented the earth, but then I saw her in her power. Amazing, not the little old lady one might picture, but a wise and mature woman who has mastered the most powerful medicine we humans can use.

It is now the time of the Grandmothers and we can join in their efforts to bring sanity to the decision makers of our race.

This is how it used to be when most of the world was matriarical. It is not time to return to that way, but to enter into the new balance of both male and female. It will not be done though unless we work with the Grandmother spirits as they intervene on behalf of the future generations.

So what can you do? I recommend you cultivate a relationship with the spirits of the Grandmothers just as you would with the Creator. Sit with your Grandmother earth and listen, she will tell you something you can do to help. It may be a ceremony, a special prayer or simply showing honor to the great living conscious being we call the earth.

It may seem far fetched to listen to the earth, but it is not so far fetched to listen to the Creator of us all? Have you ever heard the voice of the Creator from a child, a bird, an animal, etc. Then why would it be any different to hear from the earth?

For those of you who are trained in the moon time ceremonies now is the time to do them. Create sustainable world peace, join in with the efforts of all the hosts of heaven who are working on this same project.

Hopefully we can avoid anymore disaters here at home and around the world as well. Remember, there is no need for a lesson if you have learned it already. Live in harmony with all of creation, know your water and know you earth. Especially know your relationships!
Blue sky,
Jim Tree

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